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Relentlessly Creative Books LLC

home of middle-path publishing™

Relentlessly Creative Books
539 W. Commerce St.
Suite 675
Dallas, TX 75208

Updates & New Releases

¡Nuestro primer libro en español!

Thanks to a phenomenal team effort, The Roots of the Federal Reserve is now available in Spanish! (We would say that it was a giant project, but that would be too obvious.) Seriously, this book was a work of love and boundless Christian spirit and it has launched an international effort to make Las Raíces de la Reserva Federal: Rastreando a los Nefilim desde Noé hasta el Sistema financiero mundial by Dr. Laura Sanger available beyond the limits of the English language. A big thanks to all involved!

Las Raices de la Reserva Federal Cover

Something to Wear While You Workout

Our books by coach Mark Ginther, K.O. Power: Complete Strength Training for Devastating Punches, Kicks & Throws and K.O. Power Workout Blueprint and Training Log, now have their very own tee shirt. Since we sort of like photos of guys in sweaty tees, we are offering free copies of the K.O. Power Workout Blueprint and Training Log to the first three people (it’s available in women’s sizes too) who send us a pic wearing this tee! It is available on Amazon.

K.O. Power Gets a Workout Partner

Our best-selling book, K.O. Power: Complete Strength Training for Devastating Punches, Kicks & Throws by coach and author Mark Ginther, now has a companion workbook. K.O. Power Workout Blueprint and Training Log is designed to take fighters and fighters-in training through the process of designing a unique, custom workout program and support them as they progress with that program with a 16-week training log.

If you are a boxer, kickboxer or MMA fighter or fighter-in-training, this book offers you world-class coaching from Mark Ginther. You no longer have to figure out the best training program on your own.

Beechcraft Heritage Museum Features RCB Author James Rix

James Rix, author of Master of the Sky and Sea: The Story of Ted Wells, will be a featured presenter at a 4- day fly-in event to be held this October at the Beechcraft Heritage Museum in Tennessee. Ted Wells was one of the founders of Beechcraft and the designer of many of their most iconic airplanes as well as being a world-class sailor. While we can’t all attend the party, we can enjoy this excellent bit of early aviation history.

For more information about the Beech Party.

Mexico Offers New Hope for Opioid Addiction

It is hard to escape news about the growing opioid addiction epidemic in the USA that is resulting in tragic deaths by overdose. One of the most promising treatment options available is not available in the USA. However, Relentlessly Creative’s best-selling book, The English Speaker’s Guide to Medical Care in Mexico, discusses this treatment: Ibogaine therapy and where it is available. This is a promising drug that reduces or eliminates the cravings associated with addiction recovery and is currently available with treatent for opioid addiction in Mexico. Learn more about it on Fox News here.

Tiny Horsies Go on New Adventure

Our Tiny Horsies role playing game by Flippy now has a second adventure, available in print and ebook versions on Amazon: The Secret of the Haunted House. What’s the secret? We’re not telling. You and your friends and family will have to explore the haunted house on your own. Tons of fun or kids and grown ups who love using their imaginations. The original book of rules, Tiny Horsies: The Role Playing Game, for Horsie Masters is also available on Amazon.

What Readers Are Saying

“This book is Dr. Laura’s alarm clock, rousing the dormant spirit and kindling the flames of discernment. It is eye opening but also heart opening.

Carmen Studer, Podcaster & Life Coach

This is an excellent read for those willing to open their mind to a new concept and way of solving the challenges the country faces. This is an excellent read for those American’s fed up with the status quo.

—Bruce Peeper, Amazon Reviewer

Very well written and extremely well researched. Found I could not put this book down. Loved the Key Points at the end of each of the chapters.

—Diane Thorton, Amazon Reviewer


K.O. Power is excellent both for the seasoned athlete or coach as well as the absolute beginner…

Ikuyo Suzuki


Well researched book about an often overlooked important figure in American aviation history.

Ed Phillips

Aviation Historian & Author

Conceptual Revolutions in Science
An unusual, highly readable compendium of insights. . . . I couldn’t put it down.
Dr. Gerald H. Pollack

Professor of Bioengineering, University of Washington

Our Award-Winning Authors

RCB’s author Mark Ginther’s book K.O. Power has been an Amazon bestseller for over 2 years.

Monica Rix Paxson, RCB author of My Life on Earth, is a Benjamin Franklin Award winner for Dead Mars, Dying Earth.

Allen Smith Wins a Evvy Book Award

RCB’s author Allen Smith wins EVVY Award for Monkey in a Pink Canoe.

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